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Spring Cleaning Tips
The term “spring cleaning” no longer applies to just one season, but rather, it’s an expression we use to describe a good, deep clean of our abodes. But, cleaning our entire house inside and out can be rather intimidating unless you have a few guidelines to work from. Check them out!
Remove Clutter and Replace Wanted Items
You can’t really clean until you declutter first. Go one room at a time and take out everything out. Scrub the room from top to bottom using the following tips and then only add back items that you want to keep. Take unwanted items to the thrift store, consignment store, or the dump.
Use Baking Soda for Tubs and Carpets
Ban harsh chemicals from your home and use this cheap, non-toxic alternative to make your bathroom shine. Add a little water (and several drops of essential oil if you’d like) to make the baking soda onto a paste and use a scrub brush or an old toothbrush to apply. Rinse the whole mess down the drain once you’ve achieved the desired results. Baking soda can also be sprinkled on carpets before vacuuming to remove odor and freshen the floor.
Use Vinegar for Mirrors and Windows
Nothing’s better than vinegar for achieving streak-free mirrors, chrome fixtures, and windows. Make a 50/50 solution of water and white vinegar in a spray bottle, and go to it! An inexpensive alternative to toxic ammonia-based products. If the smell of vinegar is a turn-off, just be patient. As the solution evaporates, the odor will dissipate.
The Devil’s in the Details
People often overlook all the nooks and crannies when they clean, but this isn’t just tidying up, this is your annual deep clean. Check behind the toilets, scrub the baseboards, dust ceiling fan blades, and wipe down the walls. Touch up paint and shampoo carpets if needed.
Perform Maintenance
Deep cleaning is also a great opportunity to replace burned out light bulbs, smoke detector batteries, and air filters. Schedule all your house systems to be serviced by a professional if necessary. And, don’t forget the exterior of your house as well as your crawlspace, attic, and garage when you spring clean.